Toose and Murtada denied ability (power) of Allah

Book: Nafi yamwul ashr fi sharhil babi hadi ashr of allama al-Hilli

Commentator: Faqih Miqdad as-Suyuri (died 826 h)

( 2 ) حكي [ . . . ] عن السيد المرتضى والشيخ الطوسي رضي الله عنهما أنهما ممن نفى قدرة الباري تعالى قالا أنه خلاف الحق وقولهما رحمهما الله بذلك عجيب ( شرح ط ) .


It was narrated [……] from Sayyed al-Murtada and Shaykh at-Toose, may Allah be pleased with them, that they denied (existence) of ability (power – qudrah) of al-Bariy at-Taala, they said this contradicts to truth. And their saying of this, may Allah forgive them, is strange.


Note: Al-Bāriʾ is one of the name of Allah, see Quran 59:24