Shia source: He forgot Quran.

as Salam alaykum.

Did prophet forget anything? As a Ahlesunnah, we do believe he didn’t forget anything from revelation, or any shariah related issues.

As for shias?

مختصر البصائر – الحسن بن سليمان الحلى – ص 284 – 285
 وعنه ومحمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب وغيرهما عن أحمد بن محمد بن أبي نصر ، عن هشام بن سالم ، عن سعد بن طريف الخفاف ، قال : قلت لأبي جعفر ( عليه السلام ) : ما تقول فيمن أخذ عنكم علما فنسيه ؟ قال : ” لا حجة عليه ، إنما الحجة على من سمع منا حديثا فأنكره ، أو بلغه فلم يؤمن به وكفر ، فأما النسيان فهو موضوع عنكم . إن أول سورة نزلت على رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ) * ( سبح اسم ربك الأعلى ) * فنسيها ، فلم يلزمه حجة في نسيانه ، ولكن الله تبارك وتعالى أمضى له ذلك ، ثم قال  سنقرئك فلا تنسى “.


“Mukhtasar al-Basair” by al-Hasan ibn Sulayman al-Hilli, pages 284-285.

“And from him, and from Muhammad ibn al-Husayn ibn Abul Khattab and others, from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Nasr, from Hisham ibn Salim, from Sayyed ibn Tareef al-Khaffaf, which said: I asked from Abu Jafar (alaihi salam): “What do you say about person who took knowledge from you and forgot?” He said: “No argument against him for this, argument against man who heard hadith from us, and rejected it. Or it (hadith) was narrated to him and he didn’t believe it, and disbelieved (by this). As for forgetfulness, it is (known) thing from them. First chapter (surah) revealed upon prophet (sallalahu alayhi wa alihi) was – “Glorify the name of thy Guardian-Lord Most High” (87/1), and HE FORGOT IT, (but) there was no need for him an argument in forgetting it, but Allah blessed and exalted arrange this for him, then said (by saying?): “We will make you recite so you shall not forget” (87/6).



True Quran is with Mahdi!

as Salam Alaykum.

Book: al-Maalimul Aqidah.

Author: Shaykh al-Haydar al-Wakeel.

p 45 (screen shot):

“6-عقيدتنا في القران 

و القران هو الكتاب المنزل من الله تعالى على نبيه و رسوله محمد بن عبد الله ( صلى الله عليه واله) في ثلاث و عشرين سنة و فيه علم كل شيء مما يحتاجه الناس يعرفه اهله الذين انزل القران في بيوتهم و فيه اصول العقيدة الحقة و فروع الاحكام و بيان و هدى للمتقين .
و ما بين الدفتين قرآن لم يُزد فيه و الظاهر من طريقة جمعه ان فيه تغييرا في مواضع بعض الايات .

و قرآن علي هو القران كما أُنزل دون ادنى تغيير و هو عند الائمة الهداة(صلوات الله عليهم ) و يُظهر صاحب العصر الامام المهدي (صلوات الله عليه ) عند ظهوره و ينصب الفساطيط لإصحابه يُعلمون القران كما أُنزل . “

  – 6. Our faith in Quran.

“And Quran is a book revealed from Allah upon his messenger and prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah (sallalahu alayhi wa alihi) in 23 years. And it contain all things needed to people, which known by its family, in which house been revealed Quran. And in it foundations of true faith, and branches of rulings, statement and guidance to the righteous. And between the two covers is Quran, and there is nothing added there. Apparent from the method of (Quran) collection that there is a change in the positions of some verses. And Quran of Ali is the Quran as revealed without the slightest change, and it is with Imams of Guidance (salawatullahi alayhim). Owner of century imam al-Mahdi would reveal this (Quran) upon his appearance…”


Shia scholar: Multiple narrations testify about disbelief of sunnis.

as Salam Alaykum.

Book: al-Mahasin an-Nafsaniyah fi Ajwibatal Masail Khorasaniyah.

Author: Shaykh Husayn ibn Muhammad al-Usfur al-Bahrani.

Cover page here and text here.

“and what is clear (apparent) to us from reports that is disbelief of all opponents and their shirk. And that they are worse than Jews and Christians, and whoever believe that they have portion in Islam is disbeliever (himself)”

Cursing and abusing is like two testimonies in accordance to rafidah.


In the statement (في ماورد) (it says) that body of this abuse and curse will be from the best of types of worship in the view of Allah. Will be (like saying) La Ilaha ila Llah. Will be (like saying) SubhanAllah. And if it is said: Curse of Allah upon oppressor of such and such, it is like you said: La ilaha Ila LLah. Or like you said: SubhanAllah.

What constitutes shirk (polytheism) to Shias?


Have you every heard Shia scholars warning agains the dangers of superstitions, exeggeration with Awliyah (i.e. saints, Imams) or Shirk? We not saying that you might find some lectures by more rational Shi’ites (who are closer to Sunnis) about these topics, however, the mainstream of the Imamites, their top Ayatullahs and preachers in the west constantly talk about everything in regards to the Ahl al-Bayt but the dangers of Shirk? The sheer thought of seeing the banner, video titled etc. by Shi’ites, warning against Shirk seems to abstract, in fact an oxymoron.

Iraqi Twelver Shia soldier thanking his Persian looking deity (they are fooled to believe that is 'Ali or Hussein or Abul-Fadhl etc.) by postrating to his image. Have you ever seen such forms of extremism in Sunnis, even in it's most esoterical form i.e. Sufism? Images of 'Omar, people prostating to him? Of course not, it's not the nature of Sunnism, it's the nature of Twelver Imamism (Shi'ism) where such practices naturally envolve due to the Ghuluww with the Ahl al-Bayt.

Iraqi Twelver Shia soldier thanking his Persian looking deity (they are fooled to believe that is ‘Ali or Hussein or Abul-Fadhl etc.) by postrating to his image. Have you ever seen such forms of extremism in Sunnis, even in it’s most esoterical form i.e. Sufism? Images of ‘Omar, people prostating to him? Of course not, it’s not the nature of Sunnism, it’s the nature of Twelver Imamism (Shi’ism) where such practices naturally envolve due to the Ghuluww with the Ahl al-Bayt.

Now what does constitute Shirk to them? This important topic must be somewhere covered by them. Is it the over-exaggeration with the Ahl al-Bayt? Dangers of grave/shrine veneration? Lets see:

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Faithful shia beliver

as Salam alaykum, we all know famous report from Imam Muslim that used by criteria by all shias. Whoever loves Ali, he is believer, whoever hates him – hypocrite. Basing on this report rafidah (upon them what they deserve) making takfir on each and everybody who opposed hz Ali.  Continue reading

Who is nasibi?

as-Salam Alaikum.

Who is a Nasibi?

محمد بن إدريس في (آخر السرائر) نقلا من كتاب مسائل الرجال ، عن أبي الحسن علي بن محمد ( عليهما السلام ) أن محمد بن علي بن عيسى كتب إليه يسأله عن الناصب هل يحتاج في امتحانه إلى أكثر من تقديمه الجبت والطاغوت واعتقاد إمامتهما ؟ فرجع الجواب : من كان على هذا فهو ناصب

Mohammad bin Idrees in his book ‘Aakhir al-Sarair’ quotes from the book  ‘Masail al-Rijaal’, from Aba al-Hasan Ali bin Mohammad (as);


“Ali bin Isa wrote to Imam Ali bin Mohammd (as) [9th Imam] asking Him about the Nasibi*, Is it needed to evaluate him upon more than Him bringing forward Jibt and Taghoot (Abu Bakr and Umar) (putting them ahead of the Imam’s) and believing in their Imamat ? The reply came, “The one who is upon that then he is a Nasibi”

[Source: Wasail al-Shia, Vol. 29, Pg. 133]

Imam’s travelling through many worlds

Imam’s (as) travelling through many worlds

حدثنا احمد بن محمد عن الحسين بن سعيد عن ابن ابى عمير عن ابى ايوب عن ابان بن تغلب قال كنت عندابى عبد الله عليه السلام فدخل عليه رجل من اهل اليمن فقال يا اخا اهل اليمن عندآم علماء قال نعم قالفما بلغ من علم عالمكم قال يسير في ليلة مسيرة شهرين يزجر الطير ويقفوا الاثر فقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلامعالم المدينة اعلم من عالمكم قال فما بلغ من علم عالم المدينة قال يسير في ساعة من النهار مسيرة شمس سنةحتى يقطع اثنى عشر الف مثل عالمكم هذا ما يعلمون ان الله خلق آدم ولا ابليس قال فيعرفونكم قال نعم ماافترض عليهم الا ولايتنا والبرائة من عدونا


From Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Isa, from Al-Husain bin Saeed, from Muhammad bin Abi Umair, from Abi Ayub Ibrahim bin Usman Al-Khazaz, from Aban bin Taghlub who said:

“I was in the presence of Abi Abdillah (Imam Sadiq) (as), when a man from Yemen came up to Him.
Imam (as) said to him, “O Yemeny brother, are there scholars among you?”
He said, “Yes”.
Imam (as) said, “What do your scholars achieve from their knowledge?”
He said, “He travels in one night the travel distance of two months of the flight of the bird and the effects would remain.”
Abi Abdillah (as) said, “The scholar from Medina [referring to the Imam’s (as)] is more knowledgeable then your scholars.”
He said, “What does the scholar of Medina achieve from his knowledge?”
Imam (as) said, ” He travels in one hour of the day, the travel distance of a year’s travel of the sun, to the extent that he cuts through twelve thousand worlds the like of this world of yours whose inhabitants are not aware that Allah (swt) created Adam (as) or Iblees”.
He said, “They recognise You?”
Imam (as) said, “Yes. There is no obligation upon them except for Our Wilayah and the keeping away (Tabarra) from Our enemies.”
[Source: Basaair Al-Darajaat, Vol. 8, Chapter. 12, Hadees. 15]
All narrators are trustworthy. Hadees is Saheeh (authentic)
There are more narrations with the same meaning, hence making the Matn “Tawattur” (frequently narrated)

محمد بن عبدالله الرازي الجاموراني، عن إسماعيل بن موسى، عن أبيه، عن جده عن عبدالصمد بن علي قال: دخل رجل على علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام فقال له علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام: من أنت؟ قال: أنا رجل منجم قال فانت عراف، قال: فنظر إليه ثم قال: هل أدلك على رجل قد مر منذ دخلت علينا في أربعة عشر عالما كل عالم أكبر من الدنيا ثلاث مرات لم يتحرك من مكانه؟ قال من هو؟ قال: أنا وإن شئت أنبأتك بما أكلت وما ادخرت في بيتك

Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Razi Al-Jaamoorani, from Ismail bin Moosa from his father, from his grandfather, from Abd Al-Samad bin Ali who said :

A man came up to Ali bin Husain (as). Ali bin Husain (as) said to him, “Who are you?”.
The man said, “I am a astrologer.” Imam (as) said, “So you are a fortune-teller.”
Imam (as) then looked at him and then said, “Shall I show you a man who since the time you have come to us, moved through 14 worlds, with each world being 3 times bigger than this world, without having moved from his place?”
The man said, “Who is He?”
Imam (as) said, “I and if I wish, I can inform you what you ate and what you have stored in your house.”
[Source: Basaair Al-Darajaat, Vol. 8, Chapter. 12, Hadees. 13]
Comments: Just wonder how these Imams with such super power been killed?

Pray to Allah or pray to Ahlalbayt?

as-Salam Alaikum.

Just few quotes from known shia books of ahadeth, duas to show reality of shia tawheed.

Quote taken by the way from shia site:

From Ziyarat-e-Jamiya

Ziyarat-e-Jamiya is an authentic Ziyarat truested and relied up by scholars from the past and present. This Ziyarat is also considered authentic by Sheikh Sadooq.

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