The Shia Mahdi – A sadistic mass-murdering Anti-Arab bigot


Yes, the title is kind of provoking (but nothing compared to what you are going to read from Shia books!) and many of you (Sunnah or Shia) – especially the common folks among the Shias – might have never heard about a single of the following narrations (that have all been classified as reliable narrations in regards to the Shia Mahdi by major classical Shia scholars whose views have more weight than any Marja’) that we have collected in this unique article. We’ve gathered the best of the best we could find on numerous Arabic websites that have (aready) finished off Shiism – especially regarding our very topic – ages ago. Even the Arab speaking Shias on various forums couldn’t come up with any good explanation except (as it is always the case) with very lame excuses and strange and farfetched explanation for the sadistic, Zoroastrian, Jewish and mass-murdering attributes of their hidden 12th saviour.

We are talking about a thorough exposure where not a single doubt will be left that the 12th Imam of the Rafidha could be ANYONE but the real Muslim Mahdi.

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Shiite Mahdi will be killed by a bearded lady called Saeedah



العديد من المؤمنين يتساءلون عن الطريقة التي سيموت بها الإمام المهدي ، وإذا كان (عليه السلام) سيستشهد فهذا يعني أنّ الغاية من كلّ مسيرة الأئمّة (عليهم السلام)ومن غَيبة الإمام الطويلة ـ وهي تحقيق الكمال للبشريّة وتوجّههم للدين ـ لن تتحقّق ، فما هو قولكم في ذلك؟

الجواب :باسمه جلت اسمائهنقلَ صاحب كتاب إلزام الناصب: أنّه إذا تمّت السبعون سنة، أتى الحجّةَ الموت، فتقتله امرأة من بني تميم اسمها سعيدة، ولها لحية كلحية الرجال، بجاون صخر من فوق سطح، وهو متجاوز في الطريق. وفوزه بالشهادة لا يتنافى مع بلوغ البشريّة قمّة الكمال، فإنّ الكمال للمجموع، وليس لكلِّ فرد فرد.


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The Myth of the Shia Mahdi

jamkaranThe 15th of Sha‘baan is a very significant date, both to the Ahl as-Sunnah and the Shi‘ah. The Shi‘ah, however, have their own reason for ascribing significance to this night. To them it is the night of the birth of their twelfth Imam, the Hidden Mahdi.

Who is this Mahdi whose return to this world is so eagerly awaited by the Shi‘ah, and belief in whose existence in occultation forms such a integral aspect of the Shi‘i psyche? Before an adequate answer to this question may be given, there is a need to understand certain aspects concerning the Shi‘i doctrine of Imamah.

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Shia Mahdi is useless

al-Salamu `Aleykum,

We all know how the Muslim scholar ibn Tayymiyah (rah) destroyed the beliefs of the Shia in his book “Minhaj al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah”, and from the topics he discussed was the Ghaybah of the 12th Imam, he said in volume 1 pages 120-121:

فإنهم يقرون بأن الإمام الذي هو صاحب الزمان مفقود لا ينتفع به أحد وأنه دخل السرداب سنة ستين ومائتين أو قريبا من ذلك وهو الآن غائب أكثر من أربعمائة وخمسين سنه فهم في هذه المدة لم ينتفعوا بإمامته لا في دين ولا في دنيا

[They accept that their Imam “Sahib al-Zaman” is missing, no one can benefit from him, and that he entered the Sirdab around 260 AH and remains missing for more than 450 years, in this period they did not benefit from his Imamah in their Deen(religion) or their Duniya(life)]

One of the Shia Ayatullats of our time is arrogant and stubborn, this  `Ali al-Milani does not accept the simple fact that their Imam is useless so he decided to take a shot at refuting Ibn Tayymiyah (rah) by stating in his book “Sharh Minhaj al-Karama” volume 1 page 264: Continue reading

Esteemed Shia Scholar exposes the bitter truth about the 12th Imam.


Perfect article.

Must read

One of the biggest Shia scholars of our times refutes the Shia myth regarding the guidance of 12th Imam. Continue reading

Sound question on shia Mahdi

Shias claim that this world can’t stay without hujjah, and they sometimes give as an example that prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam), when he was leaving Madina, always put someone instead of him.

QUESTION: Did you Mahdi followed to sunnah of his forefather (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam) and put someone instead of himself, when he left world for great ghaybah?


1) Yes he did. And explanation.

2) No he didn’t. And explanation.