Who was behind gathering Quran in one book?

as Salam Alaykum.

Hafiz ibn Kasir in his “Fadhail al-Quran” (p 44, Darul Itisam, Turkey) said:

“Like it was reported by imams like Waki (ibn al-Jarrah), (Abdurrahman) ibn al-Mahdi and Kabisa, Ali ibn Abi Talib (radi Allahu anh said):

The one who got greatest reward in regard to scrolls of Quran is Abu Bakr! The one who first gathered Quran between two covers was Abu Bakr”.

(Ibn Kasir said) – The chain of this report is sound”.



Shia source: He forgot Quran.

as Salam alaykum.

Did prophet forget anything? As a Ahlesunnah, we do believe he didn’t forget anything from revelation, or any shariah related issues.

As for shias?

مختصر البصائر – الحسن بن سليمان الحلى – ص 284 – 285
 وعنه ومحمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب وغيرهما عن أحمد بن محمد بن أبي نصر ، عن هشام بن سالم ، عن سعد بن طريف الخفاف ، قال : قلت لأبي جعفر ( عليه السلام ) : ما تقول فيمن أخذ عنكم علما فنسيه ؟ قال : ” لا حجة عليه ، إنما الحجة على من سمع منا حديثا فأنكره ، أو بلغه فلم يؤمن به وكفر ، فأما النسيان فهو موضوع عنكم . إن أول سورة نزلت على رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ) * ( سبح اسم ربك الأعلى ) * فنسيها ، فلم يلزمه حجة في نسيانه ، ولكن الله تبارك وتعالى أمضى له ذلك ، ثم قال  سنقرئك فلا تنسى “.


“Mukhtasar al-Basair” by al-Hasan ibn Sulayman al-Hilli, pages 284-285.

“And from him, and from Muhammad ibn al-Husayn ibn Abul Khattab and others, from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Nasr, from Hisham ibn Salim, from Sayyed ibn Tareef al-Khaffaf, which said: I asked from Abu Jafar (alaihi salam): “What do you say about person who took knowledge from you and forgot?” He said: “No argument against him for this, argument against man who heard hadith from us, and rejected it. Or it (hadith) was narrated to him and he didn’t believe it, and disbelieved (by this). As for forgetfulness, it is (known) thing from them. First chapter (surah) revealed upon prophet (sallalahu alayhi wa alihi) was – “Glorify the name of thy Guardian-Lord Most High” (87/1), and HE FORGOT IT, (but) there was no need for him an argument in forgetting it, but Allah blessed and exalted arrange this for him, then said (by saying?): “We will make you recite so you shall not forget” (87/6).



Abul Hasan ar-Ridha didn’t make taweel

Shaykh Saduq in his “Tawheed” p 163, narrated following hadith:

2 – حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رحمه الله، قال: حدثنا محمد ابن الحسن الصفار، عن محمد بن عيسى، عن المشرقي، عن عبدالله بن قيس(2) عن أبي الحسن الرضا عليه السلام قال: سمعته يقول: (بل يداه مبسوطتان) فقلت: له يدان هكذا، وأشرت بيدي إلى يده، فقال: لا، لو كان هكذا لكان مخلوقا.


From Abdullah ibn Qays, I heard Abul Hasan ar-Ridha reciting (the verse) “Nay, both His hands are spread out” (al-Maida 64). I said to him: “He had hands line these?” and pointed by my hands to his. He said: “No, if they would be like these (hands), He would be (considered) creation”.

What is important here?

Imam didn’t say, He has no hands, that is power, energy and etc. He said if Allah would have hands like ours, He would be considered creation.

Faithful shia beliver

as Salam alaykum, we all know famous report from Imam Muslim that used by criteria by all shias. Whoever loves Ali, he is believer, whoever hates him – hypocrite. Basing on this report rafidah (upon them what they deserve) making takfir on each and everybody who opposed hz Ali.  Continue reading

Ibn Mutahhar al-Hilli destroys idea of Imamate of Ali

as-Salam Alaikum.

Famous rafidi scholar ibn Mutahhar al-Hilli said in his “Minhaj al-Karamah” (100-101):

وقال أبو بكر : ليتني في ظلة بني ساعدة ضربت يدي على يد أحد الرجلين ، وكان هو الأمير وكنت الوزير ! وهو يدل على أنه لم يكن صالحا يرتضي نفسه للإمامة . أ.هـ

Abu Bakr said: Woe to me in the shadow of Banu Saadah, when I hit hand of one of the men with my hand (1). And (better) him to be ruler and me to be  counsellor.  (ibn Mutahhar comment upon this) And this is a proof that he didn’t consider himself valid for Imamate.

Now let us check one of the most authentic shia books “Nahjul Balagha” and see how basically Ali used very same words.

When people decided to Swear allegiance at Amir al-mu’minin’s hand after the murder of `Uthman, he said:

“Leave me and seek some one else. We are facing a matter which has (several) faces and colours, which neither hearts can stand nor intelligence can accept. Clouds are hovering over the sky, and faces are not discernible. You should know that if I respond to you I would lead you as I know and would not care about whatever one may say or abuse. If you leave me then I am the same as you are. It is possible I would listen to and obey whomever you make in charge of your affairs. I am better for you as a counsellor than as chief.”

So, same words, same expression. In the very same way, we will repeat after ibn Mutahhar, these words is a proof that Ali – didn’t consider himself valid for Imamate


  1. Meaning when he got pledge of allegiance.

Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam) forgot the surah from Quran

Muhadith of shias Sayyed Hashim al-Bahrani narrated in his commentary of Quran – Burhan fi Tafsir al-Quran (p 262):


forgot-2 (1)

(from Imam Abu Jafar (alaihi salam): …. the first surah which was revealed to prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam) is [ 87:1] Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High – AND HE FORGOT IT!

Surah Qalam – verse 42 – commentary on Shin


Salam alaikum.

Allah said in the Quran: [Yusufali 68:42] The Day that the shin shall be laid bare, and they shall be summoned to bow in adoration, but they shall not be able,-

Sheikh Saduq in his Tawhid, chapter 14 gave explanation of this verse from masoom Imam.

Hadith 1.

1 – حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن محمد بن عمران الدقاق رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبدالله الكوفي، قال: حدثنا محمد بن إسماعيل البرمكي، قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن، عن بكر، عن الحسين بن سعد، عن أبي الحسن عليه السلام في قوله عز وجل: (يوم يكشف عن ساق) قال: حجاب من نور يكشف، !!!!!فيقع المؤمنون سجدا، وتدمج أصلاب المنافقين فلا يستطيعون السجود

(Chain) from al-Hussain ibn Sad from Abul Hasan (alaihi salam) regarding verse “the shin shall be laid bare”, Imam said: The veil from the light will be removed, and believers will made a prostration. And spines of the hypocrites will grow together, and they will not be able to make a prostration.

Hadith 2.

2 – أبي رحمه الله، قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبدالله، عن إبراهيم بن هاشم، عن ابن فضال، عن أبي جميلة، عن محمد بن علي الحلبي، عن أبي عبدالله عليه السلام في قوله عزوجل: (يوم يكشف عن ساق) قال: تبارك الجبار، ثم أشار إلى ساقه فكشف عنها الازار، قال: ويدعون إلى السجود فلا يستطيعون، قال: افحم القوم

(Chain) from Abu Abdullah (alaihi salam) regarding words of Allah “the shin shall be laid bare”, imam (praised Allah by saying) Tabarrakal Jabbar! AND THEN HE POINTED TOWARDS HIS (OWN) SHIN AND REMOVED THE MANTLE FROM IT. Then he said: They will be called to the prostration and they will not be able to make it (till the end of hadith).

Hadith 3.

3 – حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن أحمد بن محمد بن أبي نصر، عن الحسين بن موسى، عن عبيد بن زرارة، عن أبي عبدالله عليه السلام قال: سألته عن قول الله عز و جل: (يوم يكشف عن ساق) قال: كشف إزاره عن ساقه، ويده الاخرى على رأسه فقال: سبحان ربي الاعلى.

(Chain) from imam Abu Abdullah (alaihi salam) while explaining the words of Allah “the shin shall be laid bare” imam: REMOVED THE MANTLE FROM HIS SHIN, and put his other hand on his Head. Then he praised Allah by saying: Subhana Rabiyal Ala!



I am leaving aside comments from Saduq on these reports. This nation famous for corrupting apparent meanings.

How Many People Did the Prophet Ever Kill?

“…And bravery is defined by two things:

a) the strength and firmness of the heart in the face of fears, and
b) physical strength when fighting, such that one can kill with immense force and magnitude.

The first is the definition of bravery. As for the latter, it indicates physical strength and ability, and not everyone who possesses physical strength has strength of heart, and vice versa.

Because of this, you may find that it is said regarding a man who kills many people: ‘He would do this if he had with him those who could guarantee his safety.’ But, if he becomes scared, he is stricken with cowardice, and his heart becomes detached. And you would find the man with a firm heart who has not killed many people with his own hands firm in the face of fears, going forth in the face of hardships, and this is a characteristic that is required by the commanders, leaders, and forerunners of war, more so than the other, as the forerunner, if he is brave and firm at heart, will go forth and remain firm and will not be defeated, and his supporters will fight alongside him. If he was a coward and weak at heart, he will be humiliated, will not go forth, and will not remain firm, even if he is physically strong.

And the Prophet was the most complete in regards to this bravery that is appropriate for the commanders in war, and he did not kill with his hand anyone except Ubayy bin Khalaf. He killed him on the day of Uhud, and did not kill anyone else with his hand before or after this.”

[‘Minhaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah’; 8/78]

firmness of the heart in the face of fears, and
b) physical strength when fighting, such that one can kill with immense force and magnitude.

The first is the definition of bravery. As for the latter, it indicates physical strength and ability, and not everyone who possesses physical strength has strength of heart, and vice versa.

Because of this, you may find that it is said regarding a man who kills many people: ‘He would do this if he had with him those who could guarantee his safety.’ But, if he becomes scared, he is stricken with cowardice, and his heart becomes detached. And you would find the man with a firm heart who has not killed many people with his own hands firm in the face of fears, going forth in the face of hardships, and this is a characteristic that is required by the commanders, leaders, and forerunners of war, more so than the other, as the forerunner, if he is brave and firm at heart, will go forth and remain firm and will not be defeated, and his supporters will fight alongside him. If he was a coward and weak at heart, he will be humiliated, will not go forth, and will not remain firm, even if he is physically strong.

And the Prophet was the most complete in regards to this bravery that is appropriate for the commanders in war, and he did not kill with his hand anyone except Ubayy bin Khalaf. He killed him on the day of Uhud, and did not kill anyone else with his hand before or after this.”

[‘Minhaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah’; 8/78]