Our answering option

Bismillah, just for your information dear readers, we are really in short regarding our time, so permanently our Q/A section would be closed. You can still send us your emails, but we could answer to them only after much time passes.

Need your prayers. Admin Gift2Shias.

Shaykh Walid Al-Rashoudi: Iran Is a Paper Tiger; The Shia Only Work with Blood

The following are excerpts from an interview with Walid Othman Al-Rashoudi, Head of Islamic Studies at Riyadh Teachers’ College, which aired on Iqra TV on January 8-14, 2010.

Walid Othman Al-Rashoudi: We would like to draw the viewers’ attention to the attempt to hijack the Arabian Peninsula – Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states, and Yemen – and to incorporate them in the false Persian state, desired by Khomeini’s Safavid Persion followers.  Continue reading

We paid Sistani 200 million dollar for fatwah to help us in occupying Iraq

By brother Umar:

I have selected few quotes to translate it

Donald Rumsfeld wrote in his book ‘Known and Unknown’

“Al-Sistani turned out to be flexible opposite to what we use to fear …” “We presented gift to our friends in Iraq, of course their head was Al-Sistani and the amount was200 million dollar to befit United States of America and its ally Al-Sistani. And after this gift reached Al-Sistani through Kuwait, our relationship started to grow more and more, and when the news reached president Bush about arrival and handover of the gift, he decided to open Central Intelligence Agency and named it Relationship Office with Al-Sistani. And indeed the office was opened and it work actively and seriously and the outcome of this mutual work was the issuing of Fatwah by Al-Sistani that force his shias and followers not to resist allied forces which reach Kuwaiti border.”

Speaking about the meeting he writes:

“Then we reached dwelling place of Al-Sistani wherein he was staying in dirty neighborhood surrounded with garbage from every side. I remember putting handkerchief on my nose due to smell that was present inside Al-Sistani’s building and the areas surrounding it. When I saw Al-Sistani, he hugged me and kissed me more than once even though I don’t find it pleasant to kiss men, we discussed about many issues and it was from wisdom to accept opinions of our friends especially opinion of Al-Sistani.”

1 – Akhbar Al-Khaleej
2 – www.slaati.com
3 – www.almorabit.com

Mujahidin of the Islamic state of Iraq announced their aim to slaughter Yasir Al Habib

The Islamic State of Iraq of the Sunni triangle in Iraq  announced their aim to slaughter the Rafidite Shi’ite cleric Yasir al-Habib, known through his open slanders against the wives of the Prophet and his companions, like here where he curses them in his public prayer in London and here where he celebrated the death of Aisha the Mother of the Believers Allah is well pleased with her, where he encourged to send a 1000 curses upon her,  organized a competition of  “who recites the best curses upon Aisha”  in form of poem, he and his Husseiniyyah in London distributed sweets for the children and encoured them to curse and finally he accused Aisha of being Najis (impure)  and of being an adultress. The “celebration” was completed by a two unit prayer for Shukr for her death anniversary and finally he announced her death anniverary to be an official ‘Id in Islam. To give you a taste:

“Aisha now is hanging by her legs in hellfire and eating her own flesh”

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Looking for editor

Salam alaikum.

We need a Muslim which would edit some our articles and books. InshAllah we may be would publish some of them.


Here file that we want to edit in the very first place. Just one requirement, all edited places should be marked with red back ground, so we can review it before publish.

Need to be edited:

1) If name of book, or person in different places is differ, then make it similar.

2) Grammar check required.

3) Don’t paraphrase sentences, just edit the words if necessary.

Jazakumullah Khayran in advance.

For what sin this child was killed in Shabhar city?

Sunday 16 January 2011 12:01:38 GMT

Although the painful incidents such as explosions, commando operations and clashes, have created chaos in many parts of the world, but it has become normal to some extent, because people used to hear or see them, but what brings the attention within these painful incidents are those painful incidents suffered by Sunni Muslims in Iran, especially in  Balochistan province and they are still suffering.

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Ayatollah Sistani is Iraq’s Bulwark against Iran: Wikileaks

Hayder al-Khoei writes in a guest column for Informed Comment

The “cablegate” leaks have gone a long way in embarrassing governments all over the world, not least the Arab states in the Gulf who seem a little too excited in encouraging the US to attack Iran, and the State Department will have to continue their efforts in damage control. However, blushes aside, the leaks reveal that along with opposition to their nuclear status, regional isolation, tallying sanctions and growing internal dissidence, Iran has to carefully tread around another unwelcome voice that is standing in the way of their strategic ambitions in the Middle East. That voice being of the religious elite – the Marji’iyya – in Najaf.

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