What constitutes shirk (polytheism) to Shias?


Have you every heard Shia scholars warning agains the dangers of superstitions, exeggeration with Awliyah (i.e. saints, Imams) or Shirk? We not saying that you might find some lectures by more rational Shi’ites (who are closer to Sunnis) about these topics, however, the mainstream of the Imamites, their top Ayatullahs and preachers in the west constantly talk about everything in regards to the Ahl al-Bayt but the dangers of Shirk? The sheer thought of seeing the banner, video titled etc. by Shi’ites, warning against Shirk seems to abstract, in fact an oxymoron.

Iraqi Twelver Shia soldier thanking his Persian looking deity (they are fooled to believe that is 'Ali or Hussein or Abul-Fadhl etc.) by postrating to his image. Have you ever seen such forms of extremism in Sunnis, even in it's most esoterical form i.e. Sufism? Images of 'Omar, people prostating to him? Of course not, it's not the nature of Sunnism, it's the nature of Twelver Imamism (Shi'ism) where such practices naturally envolve due to the Ghuluww with the Ahl al-Bayt.

Iraqi Twelver Shia soldier thanking his Persian looking deity (they are fooled to believe that is ‘Ali or Hussein or Abul-Fadhl etc.) by postrating to his image. Have you ever seen such forms of extremism in Sunnis, even in it’s most esoterical form i.e. Sufism? Images of ‘Omar, people prostating to him? Of course not, it’s not the nature of Sunnism, it’s the nature of Twelver Imamism (Shi’ism) where such practices naturally envolve due to the Ghuluww with the Ahl al-Bayt.

Now what does constitute Shirk to them? This important topic must be somewhere covered by them. Is it the over-exaggeration with the Ahl al-Bayt? Dangers of grave/shrine veneration? Lets see:

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Shia scholar – plain takfir of all Islamic nation

Bismillah wa salatu wa salamu ala rasullulah.

Shaykh Muhadith of shias Nematullah Jazairi (may Allah burn him in the hell) said in his book “Nor al-Bahrayn” (1/57-58):


and Muhaqiq al-Hilli narrated in elevated form in last of “as-Sarair” till Muhammad ibn Eesa, which said: I wrote to him (obviously Imam) and asked him about nawaseeb, is there any need to examine any of them, after their testimony that they put Jibt (in accordance to them Abu Bakr) and Taghut (in accordance to them Umar) in the matters of superiority (upon Ali) and believe in their (two shaykhs) Imamate? And answer came: Who is upon this he is naseebe!

and author – may his secret be purified – narrated in the book “al-Ilaal” – naseebe is the one who dislikes the mazhab of the Imamiya. (Jazairi says) – AND THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT MAJORITY OR (BETTER TO SAY) ALL (OF AHLESUNNAH) UPON FAITH OF NAWASEEB IN THESE TWO MEANINGS. AND NUMEROUS (TAWATUR) REPORTS AND AGREED OPINION (OF SHIAS) THAT NAWASEEB ARE DISBELIEVERS IN THIS WORLD AND HEREAFTER.


1) All ahlesunnah agreed that shaykhan were best people in this nation, better than Ali. Due to this faith only, we are disbelievers in the eyes of shias.

2) All people from Ahlesunnah dislikes kufr of rawafid, their faith in TAHRIF of  Quran, their shirk, their beloved Mutah marriage and etc.  And this alone enough for shias to say that we are disbelievers!




Ayatullat Shirazi: Disbelieving in the Imams is like believing in trinty!

Ayatullat Sadiq Shirazi - The Sabaite Ghulati Rafidhi Mushrik. Every Jewish Rabbi envies him for looking more Jewish an having distorted the image of Islam more than any Ibn Saba' could have ever done.

Ayatullat Sadiq Shirazi – The Sabaite Ghulati Rafidhi Mushrik. Every Jewish Rabbi envies him for looking more Jewish an having distorted the image of Islam more than any Ibn Saba’ could have ever done.

This is what ALL their grand Rabbis from day one said, starting from Ayatullat Ibn Saba’ who invented the Wilayah/Imamah belief up to the likes of Mufid and Majlisi and other major Rafidi Shia scholars who all deemed ANY non-Twelver (inlcuding other Shia groups) as disbelievers. So don’t get fooled by some apologetic Shias in the west or by the propaganda of the Iranian regime who all try hard to hide their ugly Takfiri beliefs IN ORDER to FOOL the average Sunni Muslim and Islamic Ummah (that is over 90% non-Shiite).

Here the Fatwa:


Translation (yellow marked part):

As for all the different Shiite groups, except for the Twelvers, then their disbelief has been proven according to many of  our text and many of our classical narrations state that whosoever rejects a single Imam is like the one who says Allah is one of three [trinity].And Al-Kishi reported with a chain [of transmission], on the authority of Ibn Abi Omayr [broken chain] who said: ‘I asked Muhammad Ibn Ali Al-Ridha (AS) about the following verse:

[Some] faces, that Day, will be humbled [hard] and exhausted. Working [hard] and exhausted. [Surah Al-Ghashiyah, Verse 2-3]

He [Muhammad Al-Jawad son of Al-Ridha] said: ‘This verse was revealed about the Nawasib [Sunnis], Zaydi [Shiites] and Waqifi [Sevener Shiites] […]’

Gift2Shias COMMENT:

Looked how they lied upon the Ahl Al-Bayt. Not just Takfir on Nawasib [which stands for enemies of Ahl Al-Bayt who – according to classical Shiite literature – are no one but those who call themselves Ahl Al-Sunnah i.e. the Hanafis, Shafiis, Hanbalis etc.) but even Takfir on OTHER RAFIDI (yes, Waqifis are Rafidis) Shiite sects! Then these very Twelver Shiites (including their scholars) have the audacity to accuse’Wahhabis’ and other Muslims (who simply reject and chose the freedom of exposing Shiism) of being Takfiris! Here their Grand Ayatullat (who by the way resides in QOM/IRAN!) Sadiq Shirazi (who looks like a Jewish Rabbi) is making takfir of all non-Twelvers, and saying refusing one Imam is like believing there are three Gods! Be aware fellow Muslim, don’t be fooled by the sweet talk of some Rafidah apologists (particularly in the west), these Rafidah (just like the Khawarij) are one of the most extreme Takfiri groups, they spared no one, neither Abu bakr and the Sahaba nor other Shiite sects.

Shia leader: Sunnies more impure than wet dogs

al-Salamu `Aleykum,

Not a very important thread but here you go.

We all know that an opinion in Shiasm says that the Muslims are apparently pure but in reality they are as filthy as animals, here’s more of that from their Grand Ayatullat al-Marji` al-Mirza Hashim al-Aamili “ميرزا هاشم الآملي” who says in his book “al-Ma`alim al-Ma’thoura” 2/258-259: Continue reading

Shias on Umar ibn Abdulaziz

Salam alaikum.

You know that in accordance to shias Caliph Umar ibn Abdulaziz was the one who stopped people cursing sayidina Ali on minbars. But do you think they thank him due to this? NO.

Shaykh of Shias Hashim al-Bahrani in his book Yanabial Maajiz wal Usul ad-Dalail (p 245, Muasasat Maarif al-Islami) quoted imam saying about Umar ibn Abdulaziz:

فإذا مات لعنه اهل السماء واستغفر له اهل الارض

…and when he would die he would be cursed by inhabitants of heaven and prayed upon by inhabitants of earth..

Shia Majlisi cursed the whole Ahlussunnah in clear form

Shia scholar in his book “Tadhkiratul Aimma” said:

فضیلت از آیات قران مجید بسیار است قریب بہ سیصد آیہ است کہ اہل سنہ علیہم اللعنہ بر این اتفاق دارند و بعضی از ان آیات را بیان می نماید

Virtues : There are many verses from the Quran nearing three hundred verses, on which Ahlussunnah upon them be curse agree, and mentioned are few verses from them.

Shia report: All sunnis are disbelievers

Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi in his “Biharul Anwar” (38/14) narrated:

وروى عن عطية قال: سئل جابر بن عبد الله عن علي قال: ذاك خير البشر ولا يشك فيه إلا منافق. وعن عطاء عن عائشة حيث سئلت عن علي (عليه السلام) فقالت: علي خير البشر لا يشك فيه إلا كافر


And it was narrated from Atiyah, that he asked from Jabir ibn Abdullah about Ali, and he said: He is best of creation, and no one except hypocrite would be in doubt regarding that.

And from Ata from Aisha, when she was asked about Ali, she said: Ali is the best of creation, no one except disbeliever would be in doubt about that.

عن ابن عمر قال: قال: رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله): من فضل أحدا من أصحابي على علي فقد كفر


From ibn Umar, messenger of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wa ali) said: Who ever would put anyone from my companions in the matters of superiority upon Ali, would disbelief.

Rest of people are scum for shias.

Salam alaikum.

Saduq in “al-Khisal”:

3-115 حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسن بن علي الوشاء.عن أحمد بن عائذ، عن أبي خديجة عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال:الناس يغدون على ثلاثة عالم ومتعلم وغثاء، فنحن العلماء وشيعتنا المتعلمون وسائر الناس غثاء.
3-115 Muhammad ibn al-Hassan – may God be pleased with him – narrated that Muhammad ibn al-Hassan al-Saffar quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Ali al-Vasha, on the authority of Ahmad ibn A’ez, on the authority of Abi Khadijeh that Aba Abdullah as-Sadiq (MGB) said, “The people can be divided into three groups: the knowledgeable scholars, the seekers of knowledge and the scum. We are the knowledgeable scholars. Our followers are the seekers of knowledge and the rest of the people are the scum.

It was also narrated in “Basair darajat” p 25 via 4 chains:

حدثنا إبراهيم بن هاشم عن يحيى بن أبي عمران عن يونس عن جميل قال سمعت أبا عبد الله ع يقول يغدوا الناس على ثلاثة صنوف عالم ومتعلم وغثاء فنحن العلماء وشيعتنا المتعلمون وسائر الناس غثاء
حدثني الحسن بن علي عن العباس بن عامر عن سيف بن عميرة عن عمرو بن شمر عن جابر عن أبي عبد الله ع قال إن الناس رجلان عالم ومتعلم وساير الناس غثاء فنحن العلماء وشيعتنا المتعلمون وسائر الناس غثاء
حدثنا محمد بن الحسين بن عبد الرحمن بن أبي هاشم عن سالم عن أبي عبد الله ع قال الناس يغدون على ثلاثة عالم ومتعلم وغثاء فنحن العلماء وشيعتنا المتعلمون وسائر الناس غثاء
حدثني محمد بن عبد الحميد عن سيف بن عميره قال حدثني أبو سلمة قال سمعت أبا عبد الله ع يقول يغدوا الناس على ثلاثة عالم ومتعلم وغثاء فسئلوه عن ذلك فقال نحن العلماء وشيعتنا المتعلمون وسائر الناس غثاء
حدثنا أحمد بن محمد عن الحسن بن علي الوشا عن أحمد بن عايذ عن أبي خديجة عن أبي عبد الله ع قال إن الناس يغدون على ثلاثة عالم ومتعلم وغثاء فنحن العلماء وشيعتنا المتعلمون وسائر الناس غثاء

In “Kafi” (1/34)

4 – علي بن إبراهيم، عن محمد بن عيسى، عن يونس، عن جميل، عن أبي عبدالله (عليه السلام) قال: سمعته يقول يغدوا الناس على ثلاثة أصناف: عالم ومتعلم وغثاء، فنحن العلماء وشيعتنا المتعلمون وسائر الناس غثاء’

And authenticated by Majlisi in “Mirat”

(الحديث الرابع)
(4) صحيح على الأظهر.
و المراد بالمتعلم هنا ما هو أعم مما ذكر في الخبر السابق كما لا يخفى

Welcome to shia world.

Shia Muzaffar makes takfir to Ahlesunnah

Book: Akaidul Imamiyah

Author: Muhammad Rza Muzaffar

Page 22 he said:

vision does not perceive him, yet he perceives everything. anyone who likens him to his creatures, for example one who supposes that allah has a face, hands and eyes, or says that he comes down to the lowest heaven, or that he will appear to the people of paradise like a moon, and so forth, he is as one who does not believe in Allah

Page 23, he said:

similarly, one who believes that he will be seen by his creatures on the day of judgement is an unbeliever. even though he does not liken Allah to anyone in appearance.


Muslims do believe that Allah Taala would be seen by his creaturely in paradise, and that He would be seen without a problem, like we can see the Moon, and they do believe that He descends to the lowest heaven.

This shia shaykh made clear takfir to people which do hold such beliefs!

Sunnis would abide in the hell forever – Rajab al-Borsi

Hafidh of Shias Rajab al-Borsi said that sunnis would stay in the hell forever, this is the very same al-Borsi which accused mother of believers Aisha (r.a) in treachery!

In his book “ad-Door ath-Thamin fi Khamsmia Aya nazalat fi mawlana Amiralmuminin bi ittifaq aktharil mufasirin min ahl ad-deen”, at page 47 said: Continue reading

Status of non shias

Status of non shias

 مرآة العقول في شرح أخبار آل الرسول للمجلسي ج‏١١، ص: ١٩٠ 


Miratul Uqul by Majlisi, Volume 11, Page 190

و يطلق على من أخل بشي‏ء من العقائد الإيمانية و إن لم يكن ضروريا لدين‏

الإسلام كالإمامة، و المشهور أنهم في الآخرة بحكم الكفار و هم مخلدون في النار كالمخالفين و سائر فرق الشيعة سوى الإمامية، و قد دلت عليه أخبار كثيرة أوردناها في كتابنا الكبير، لكن قد عرفت أنه يظهر من كثير من الأخبار أنه يمكن نجاة بعض المخالفين من النار كالمستضعفين و المرجون لأمر الله، و قد ذكر العلامة و غيره قولا بعدم خلود المخالفين في النار، و هو في غير المستضعفين و أشباههم في غاية الضعف لأن الإمامة عند الشيعة من أصول الدين، و قد ورد متواترا عن النبي صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم من مات و لم يعرف إمام زمانه مات ميتة جاهلية، و الأخبار في ذلك أكثر من أن تحصى.

And whoever does not believe in something required for eeman (true belief), although not essential for Islam (i.e. to be a mere Muslim) such as Imamah, so it is well known that they are considered kuffar (disbelievers) in the akhirah and would reside in hellfire like the non Shias and all the sub sects of Shiaism other than the Imamis (i.e. Twelver Shias). This has been proven by extensive ahadith which we have recorded in our voluminous book. However, it is known that it is apparent in ahadith that it is possible that some non Shias would be relieved from hellfire, such as the mustada’fs (feeble minded and ignorant people without resources) and those who return (repent) to the command of Allah (swt). Allama Hilli and others mentioned the view of non Shias not residing in hellfire, and it (being hell bound) is for other than the mustada’fs and their likes, because as per shias Imamah is among the fundamentals of religion, and it has been reported in mutawatir ahadith from the Prophet (pbuh) that “Whoever died and did not know the Imam of his age, then he died the death of jahilliyah”, and the ahadith on that are too many to be mentioned.

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