Shias: Prophet lost his mind!

Salam alaikum.

Shaykh of shias Muhammad Hasan an-Najafi in his “Jawahir al-Kalam”, 10/184-185, wrote:

وفي خبر المعراج المروي عن العلل بسند جيد – إلى أن قال – : فنظرت إلى شئ ذهب منه عقلي

Translation: And in report regarding Meraj, narrated from (book) al-Ilal WITH GOOD CHAIN, till his words: I looked at the thing, (and) my mind gone from it

Shaykh of shias: Muhammad is THEIR PROPHET!

Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi in his book “Biharul anwar” (40/72) cited other shia scholar ibn Tawus saying:

رأيت كتابا كبيرا مجلدا في مناقب أهل البيت عليهم السلام تأليف أحمد ابن حنبل فيه أحاديث جليلة قد صرح فيها نبيهم محمد صلى الله عليه وآله بالنص على علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام بالخلافة على الناس ليس فيها شبهة عند ذوي الانصاف وهي حجة عليهم

I have seen a book in one big volume, regarding Manaqib of Ahlalbayt, which was written by Ahmad ibn Hanbal. In that book lots beautiful ahadeeth where THEIR PROPHET MUHAMMAD (sallalahu alaihi wa ala ali) clearly pointed to caliphate of Ali ibn Abu Talib (alaihi salam) upon people, leaving no way to doubt (it)

Shias, Imamah and prophet Yunus (alaihi salam)


It is not a surprise for our dear readers that in their attempt to proof Wilayah of Ahlalbayt shias during the history accused many people in nasb, kufr and other things.

And prophet Yunus (alaihi salam) is another example of fact how far shias can go in their attempts!

Shia Muhadith, companion of Imam al-Askari, as-Saffar narrated in his “Basair ad-Darajat” (p 108): Continue reading

‘Ali is the guide for all Prophets

Shia scholar al-Qadi Sa’eed Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Mufid says in “Sharh Tawheed al-Saduq” vol.2 pg.580, chapter 14:

[By having researched this, it is now clear with the utmost clarity, that there is no Prophet or Wali from the first and the last unless our Mawla ‘Ali (as) is his guide to Allah. And in the narration about the saying of Allah {And for every people a guide} meaning: ‘Ali is the guide to every people, all of them turn to ‘Ali (as) in their prayer in order to reach Allah. From this it is clarified that he (as) was the companion of Ibrahim (as) and the saviour of Nuh (as) and other things which were mentioned by Salman and Abu Dharr (ra).]

Ali al-Ihsai: If not Ali call wouldn’t be manifestated to Muhammad!

Shaykh Ali Taqi ibn Shaykh Ahmad ibn Zaynutdin al-Ihsai said:

وورد أن الله ليلة المعراج ما كلم رسول الله إلا بلسان علي , فعلي لسان رسول الله , قال تعالى { فَإِنَّمَا يَسَّرْنَاهُ بِلِسَانِكَ لِتُبَشِّرَ بِهِ الْمُتَّقِينَ وَتُنذِرَ بِهِ قَوْماً لُّدّاً }[4] . فلولا علي لم يكن يسر رسول الله يسراً ولم تظهر له دعوة . قال علي عليه السلام: ” أنا آية نبوة محمد ” وقال : ” ليس لله آية أكبر مني ولا نبأ أعظم مني “[5]  فافهم .


And it came (in reports) that Allah in the night of al-Meraj didn’t speak with messenger of Allah except by the tongue (voice) of Ali, and Ali (was) tongue of messenger of Allah, said Taala: “So We have only made it easy in your tongue that you may give good news thereby to those who guard (against evil) and warn thereby a vehemently contentious people“. AND IF NOT ALI THERE WOULDN’T BE (ANY) EASY TO MESSENGER OF ALLAH (ANY) EASINESS. AND CALL WOULD’T BE MANIFESTATED TO HIM. Ali, alaihi salam, said: “I am sign of  prophecy of Muhammad”. And (he) said: “There is no sign for Allah bigger than I, and no news greater than I”.

Al-Ihqaqi: Imams are NAMES OF ALLAH

In his book “Hal Mushkilat Sharhul Ziyaratul Jamia al-Kabira” at page 78-79, Mirza Hasan al-Haeri al-Ihqaqi said:

Cover page



Beautiful names (of Allah) are Muhammad and family of Muhammad

Shaykh (al-Wahid al-Ihsai) said at page (122): “They (alaihuma salam) are Asma Allahu Husna (Beautiful names of Allah), and meaning of verbal names”.

I (Mirza al-Ihqaqi) say: Yes … These words are exactly words of Sadiq (alaihi salam) as it is in (Tafsir) of Ayashi: “By Allah, WE ARE BEAUTIFUL NAMES OF ALLAH, which wouldn’t accepted from anyone (his deeds) except by knowing us”.

And in (Tafsir) of al-Qummi in explanation of saying Taala “And to Allah belongs beautiful names”  (it is) said “ar-Rahman ar-Raheem” and it is established that these verbal names, AND THEY (IMAMS ALAIHUMA SALAM) ARE HIS NAMES BY MEANING.

La hawla wa la quwati ila billah! Basically these shia scholars basing their view on shia reports and say that when

Allah the Most Exalted said:

“And (all) the most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those who belie or deny (or utter impious speech against) His Names.” (7:180)

Under Beautiful Names their understand Aimma!!!!

Imam ar-Ridha on the superiority of Yusuf (alaihi salam) upon himself and upon caliph al-Mamoon

Yes, the Ahl Al-Bayt believed like the Sunnis (or as the Rafidha like to say: Omari-Bakri-Umayyad-Wahhabis, what a beautiful chain) do:

Source: Ilal us Sharae p 233, hadith 2

Author: Sh. Saduq. Continue reading

Knowledge of prophet and Imams

Shia attributed to imam words which clearly goes against verse of Holy book.

Shia shaykh Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Hasan as-Saffar in his “Basairu darajat” (p 127, chapter 6) narrated:

1- حدثنا العباس بن معروف عن حماد بن عيسى عن حريز عن أبي بصير عن أبي جعفر ع قال سئل علي ع عن علم النبي ص فقال علم النبي علم جميع النبيين و علم ما كان و علم ما هو كائن إلى قيام الساعة ثم قال و الذي نفسي بيده إني لأعلم علم النبي ص و علم ما كان و ما هو كائن فيما بيني و بين قيام الساعة.

(Chain) Ali (alaihi salam) was asked about knowledge of prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam), and he replied: “Knowledge of prophet is a knowledge of all prophets, and (that knowledge) is knowledge of what has happen and what gonna happen till hour of resurrection”. Then he said: “And by That in whos hand is my soul, i know knowledge of prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam), and (i know) knowledge of what has happen and what gonna happen between me and hour of resurrection”. Continue reading

al-Hilli: Rejection of Imama is worse than rejection of Nubuwah

Shaykh of shias Jamalutdin al-Hilli in his “al-Alfayn” (p 23)  said:

الإمامة لطف عام ، والنبوة لطف خاص لامكان خلق الزمان من نبي حي ، بخلاف الإمام لما سيأتي ، وإنكار اللطف العام شر من إنكار اللطف الخاص ، وإلى هذا أشار الصادق عليه السلام بقوله عن منكر الإمامة أصلا ورأسا وهو شرهم

Imama is general favour (from Allah) and prophecy is especial favour (from Allah), it is possible for time to be without alive messenger, but it is not possible for it to be without alive Imam, as it would come (1). And rejection of general favour WORSE than rejection of especial favour, and to that points Sadiq (alaihi salam) by saying regarding rejection of Imama (is) foundation and head and it is worse of them.


1) Obviously in the printed version is an error. And we corrected this part  it is possible for time to be without alive messenger, but it is not possible for it to be without alive Imam, as it would come, in accordance to the book of Ali al-Bahrani “Manar al-Hadi fi Nass ala Imamati Isna Ashar” p 52.