Rafidi Madame Tussaud in Najaf – The revivil of Jahiliyyah

khomeini1The first time in human history that people commited the sin of idol-worship was around the time of Prophet Nuh (عليه السلام). A very pious man passed away. Shaytan whispered in the ears of the tonwnspeople: he urged them never to forget this pious man lest the towns people abandon his example and be lost to sin. Once Shaytan had convinced them of the necessity to revere the memory of this pious dead man, he then then convinced them to erect a shrine over the grave of this man, hang up images and idols of him. Eventually, the people started praying in the shrine, and soon thereafter Shaytan convinced them to pray to the deceased man (under the pretext of intercession, as most poltheists do, like the Catholics).

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The Ahl al-Bayt would rejoice seeing the leveled graves of al-Baqi’



بسم الله و الحمد لله الذي رفع راية التوحيد إلى يوم الدين, و الصلاة و السلام على إمام الموحدين و قائد المتوكلين, نبينا و سيدنا محمد و على آله الطيبين و صحبه الغر الميامين, و بعد:

Here’s a compilation (of Shia and Sunni) SAHIH (authentic) narrations about the prohibition of erecting structures over graves, venerating graves, kissing them etc. Many Shias are not even aware that these reports exists in their books, this might be due to the allergy their scholars have when it comes to Tawhid. Shia scholars usually do not mention the narrations we are going to present you, and if they do (only due to pressure of the Internet that has exposed their religion), they (as usual) come up with abstract and far-fetched interpretations to explain the monothestic narrations that are deeply buried somewhere in their Madhhab (yes, even in their Madhhab, despite all the lies they have attributed to the Ahl al-Bayt) away in order to secure their money-machines, which you will soon find out are the exravagant palace+5* looking tombs, shrines and mausoleums.

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This is the classical Hanafi view, all Muslims, Sunnis, Salafis and even Zaydis agree with this definition, except the Rafidah Twelver Shiites who like to resemble the Catholics and other saint worshippers, instead of monotheists. Not the part we marked in red, it refers to all the saint worshippers in the world, especially the Rafidah NO matter if they call upon their Saints/Prophets/Imams with the belief that they can’t do anything on their own i.e. the ‘bi’idhnillah’ excuse of all Mushriks that is brought forth.



Translated by Zameelur Rahman

A Question on Seeking Help from other than Allah

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The grave of ‘Ali

taken from:

Hereafter mention is made of the discovery of the grave of Sayyiduna ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiyallahu ‘anhu at Najaf 150 years after his death. Shirazi explains the initial secrecy surrounding the location of the graves in light of fear that the Umayyads would desecrate the grave. However, what he doesnot explain is why the location of the grave was revealed by Imam Musa al-Kazim to the Khalifah Harun ar-Rashid when the Abbasids, according to the Shi‘ah, were no less cruel to the ‘Alawis than were the Umayyads.

Hasan al-Amin writes in his Shorter Shi’ite Encyclopaedia: “Then came Abbasid rule. They were more severe upon the Alawides in their persecution and cruelty as well as upon the Shi’ites as compared to the Omayyides. Their rule was more troublesome and bitter for them, as a poet has said: ‘By God, the Omayyids did not do one-tenth in their case, as Banu Abbas did.’ Amir Abul Faras al-Hamadani says: ‘Banu Harab (Omayyids) did not succeed in these crimes even though though they intended to, as compared to your success.’ (p. 36)”

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Don’t make tawaf around graves!

Book: Ilal ush sharae p 276

Author: Sh. Saduq

– حدثنا أبي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن ابى عمير، عن حماد عن الحلبي، عن ابى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: لا تشرب وأنت قائم ولا تطف بقبر ولا تبل في ماء نقيع فانه من فعل ذلك فأصابه شئ فلا يلومن إلا نفسه ومن فعل شيئا من ذلك لم يكن يفارقه إلا ما شاء الله.

(Chain) from Abu Abdullah (alaihi salam): Don’t drink when you stand, AND DON’T MAKE TAWAF AROUND THE GRAVES, and don’t piss into the standing water. The one who would do this, would affect with (some)thing. And let him don’t blaim (anyone) except himself, and who would do that, it wouldn’t leave it, except what Allah wish.

Haj wouldn’t be completed without visiting aimma (or graves).

Ibn Babaweyh al-Qummi, shaykh of shias – as-Saduq in his “Ilal ush-Sharae” (2/450) narrated that Imam Jafar said:

 إذا حج أحدكم فليختم حجه بزيارتنا لان ذلك من تمام الحج .

If one of you would make a haj, let him finish his haj with our visitation, that is from completeness of haj.

Prophet, Sahabah and Ahl Al-Bayt about praying at/near graves – WISDOM SERIES

Al-Mustafa blocked every path leading to Shirk to Protect Tawheed. His companions followed his footsteps, so did his progeny. Yet, those who CLAIM to follow his progeny did the EXACT of what the Prophet (peace be upon him) had ordered!

He even forbad us to take his grave as a place of worship (NOTE: His – peace be upon him – grave is actually NOT part of the Prophet’s Mosque. Proof >>>), yet the Mushrikoon of today have taken the graves of Imams/”Ayatollah’s” etc. as places of worship!

Ali Abtahi about visitation of Husayn

We have already posted shia hadith that visiting of grave of Husayn is equal to visiting Allah on His Throne.

Now we would like to present to you quote from shia author Saeed Ali al-Wahid al-Abtahi al-Isfahani.

In his book “Ziyaratul Ashura wal Atharuha Ajabiyah” (Darul Muhsin, Egypt, p 11), he said:


Yes,  this how it is prescribed to be visitation of imam al-Husayn (alaihi salam), which as it come from them (alaihuma salam) IS EQUAL TO VISITING ALLAH ON HIS THRONE.

Notes to grave worshipers

Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-Hurr al-`Amuli in ‎al-Fusul al-Muhimma vol 2‎, Book of Tahara, Chapters on the rules of the dead, wrote:

Chapter 18

(1210) 1 – قال الصادق عليه السلام: كل ما جعل على القبر من غير تراب القبر فهو ثقل على الميت.

1 – as-Sadiq عليه السلام said:  All that is put upon the grave other than the dirt of the grave, then it is a weight upon the deceased.

Chapter 19

(1211) 1 – قال علي عليه السلام: بعثني رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إلى المدينة فقال: لا تدع صورة إلا محوتها ولا قبرا إلا سويته ولا كلبا إلا قتلته.

1 – `Ali عليه السلام said: The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وآله sent me to Madina, and he said: Do not leave any image but that you have erased it and no grave but that you have leveled it and no dog but that you have killed it.

(1212) 2 – وقال عليه السلام: من جدد قبرا أو مثل مثالا فقد خرج من الاسلام.

2 – And he عليه السلام said: Whoever renovates a grave or fashions an image, then he has exited from Islam.

What kind of fiqh rulings, important in our times, can we achieve from these ahadeth?

1) It’s prohibited to put on the grave dirt, more than from itself! Let alone to build shrines upon them.  As imaam as-Sadiq said:  (Everything except dirt from grave itself ) it is a weight upon the deceased”. Also we seen words of Ali (r.a), that prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam) ordered him to level graves. Similar hadith also exist in sunni books. Also we see imaam making takfir upon people who are renovating graves. SubhanAllah! What about millions which spend on the shrines, and their maintenance?!

2) It’s also very clear from two last ahadeth, that it’s prohibited to paint images. And HERE you can see picture gallery of imams, which so beloved by shias.

Compare these ahadeth with deeds of modern shias.