Shia scholar: Multiple narrations testify about disbelief of sunnis.

as Salam Alaykum.

Book: al-Mahasin an-Nafsaniyah fi Ajwibatal Masail Khorasaniyah.

Author: Shaykh Husayn ibn Muhammad al-Usfur al-Bahrani.

Cover page here and text here.

“and what is clear (apparent) to us from reports that is disbelief of all opponents and their shirk. And that they are worse than Jews and Christians, and whoever believe that they have portion in Islam is disbeliever (himself)”

Yasir al-Khabith on Hasan Nasralat and ayatollat Bahjat

Salam alaikum,

Just example of so called shia 12-ers unity.

Al-Khabith said:

However, the fact that Bahjat’s righteousness was under question and some Jurists adjudge Bahjat according to available evidence against his uprightness, that could not mean that the Sheikh would simply sign up or disagree depending on heresy. He decided on Bahjat’s deviation after thorough evaluation and research. Continue reading

The Incident of Al-Ifk, Aisha or Maria? – Rebuttal to Ammar ‘Nakshawani’ (Nakhjavani)

1293827850The Rafidhi vagabond Ammar ‘Nakshawani’ (Nakshavani), is known for his numerous lectures (strictly under Shia and ignorant Sunni audience, never ever has he confronted a known Sunni scholar), where he obviously tries to point with his shabby gentility in the fields of rethoric speech, this is the only way he can somehow hide his blatant ignorance and in many cases blatant lies, against the Ahl Al-Sunnah and the Sahabah of the Messenger of Allah (may the peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him). He is known for visiting various institutions, including public universities where he tries hard to somehow save the face of the Rafidhi religion (a really hard task, indeed), by claiming that many things the opponents of Shias accuse them of are false and propaganda, that Shias are not Takfiris, do not do Takfir on the Sahabah, that they only disagree with SOME Sahabah blah, blah, blah. Ironically, no one else but those Rafidha Majoos who are a bit more open in regards to their beliefs have exposed the charlatan Nakhjavani to such a degree, that only a fool would fall for his “brotherhood-Sunni-Shia-unity” crap:

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Bashir Najafi about Fadlullah

Ayatolla Bashir Husayn Najafi said about Fadlullah:

Fazlullah has written in his book “Fee Rehab-e-Dua-e-Kumail” Volume 3, the following, summarized as follows “If Allah does not forgive Ameer-ul-Momineen (a.s) and punish him, so on the Day of Judgment he will only entitled to Allah’s wrath and torment” (God Forbid).

It is known that this was the fundamental article of faith of the Kharjees (Kharjites).

Sayyed Abu al-Hassan curses al-Kulayni because most of al-Kafi is weak

al-Kafi by al-Kulayni is the biggest and most important Shia book of Hadith, it is of the same importance of Sahih al-Bukhari when it comes to the average Muslim. However, the difference between the two books is that al-Bukhari collected the most authentic reports while al-Kulayni filled his Kafi with the weakest narrations making it really hard for the reader to come across any Sahih Hadith in the book.

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Inanity of sunni’s worship

Book: Qisasul Anbiyah.

Author: Nematullah Jazairi.

He says:

هذا يكشف لك عن أمور كثيرة: منها: بطلان عبادة المخالفين، وذلك أنهم وإن صاموا وصلوا وحجوا وزكوا وأتوا من العبادات والطاعات، وزادوا على غيرهم، إلا أنهم أتوا إلى الله تعالى من غير الأبواب التي أمر بالدخول منها، فإنه سبحانه وتعالى قال: ((وَأْتُوا الْبُيُوتَ مِنْ أَبْوَابِهَا)) [البقرة:189]، وقد صح عند المسلمين قوله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم: (أنا مدينة العلم وعلي بابها) وقد جعلوا المذاهب الأربعة وسائط وأبوابا بينهم وبين ربهم وأخذوا الأحكام عنهم

This explains to you many things, from them inanity of worship of opponents. And that’s they fast, pray, make haj, zakat and performs from worship and obedience, and add to them others, only they come to Allah Taala from other door that they were ordered to, and He Subhana said: “go into the houses by their doors”. And it’s authentic in the view of Muslims sayig of sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam: “I am city of knowledge and Ali its gate”. They took 4 schools intermediary and doors between them and their lord,and they took ahkam from them